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Axis Security Camera System
Overview Video
Axis Companion Desktop: Basic Functionality
This section describes how to open Axis Camera Companion, view live video, and view recorded video.
- Launch Axis Companion: From your computer desktop, click to launch “Axis Companion”.
- Enter Site Password & Log In: Enter site password (provided by DTS), click “Remember password”, and click “Log In” to access camera site.
- View Video in Real Time: Click LIVE VIEW button and desired camera to real-time output of any camera.
- View Recorded Video:
- Select VIDEO RECORDINGS button to open to open recorded video module.
Select desired playback date, select desired camera, click to move playhead to desired time, and click, play button to play back video.
- The red portion of the timeline indicates periods when motion was detected.
- To expand or contract timeline, hover mouse over playhead and press “+” or “-” button.
- Use speed adjustment option above play button during play back to speed up or slow down video play back.
- Click the Fast Forward or Rewind buttons to left and right of play button to skip ahead or go back.
Axis Companion Desktop: Saving Recordings
This section describes how to save recorded video for legal evidence or other documentation.
- Select Content to Save: Navigate to VIDEO RECORDINGS module, click “Save Recordings” button, select desired cameras to save video from, drag the left and right playhead range selectors to desired save range, and click “Save” button.
- Video Will Be Exported to Documents Folder: Export process will begin and video will be saved to your “Documents” folder inside the “Axis Companion – Clips” folder.
Axis Companion Desktop: Investigation Mode
Investigation mode is used to navigate through video frame by frame and take photos, typically for legal evidence.
Select Content to Investigate and Launch Investigation Module: Select desired camera content to investigate, move playhead to position with desired video content, and press “Investigation Mode” button.
The red portion of the timeline indicates periods where motion was detected. To navigate between detection events, put playback button in “Pause” mode and use Fast Forward and Rewind buttons to skip to next or previous motion detection area on timeline.
- Navigate to and Capture Desired Images: Inside of investigation module, use navigation options to find desired frame to capture and press snapshot button to capture frame.
Axis Companion Mobile
Axis Companion is available on iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) mobile operating systems. To use, follow the instructions below.
- Install Mobile App: Referring to installation completion confirmation email from DTS, install appropriate version of Axis Companion (Axis Companion Classic or Axis Companion) on your mobile device.
- Log In: Log into application using the Axis account credentials provided to you in installation completion confirmation email from DTS.
- Log into Site if using Classic: If you are using Companion Classic, additionally log into camera site using site password provided to you in installation completion confirmation email from DTS.
- Enjoy: Refer to the instructions above for basic functionality which is similar to the desktop app but has a reduced feature set compared to the desktop version.