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Update Remote Access Address

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If your office public IP address changes (which will often be the case when changing internet service providers or upgrading service), please follow the steps below to update your remote access connection.


  1. Access Connection Properties: Right click on “Office Remote” or similarly named connection on desktop and select “Edit” option.

  2. Edit Connection Address & Save:
    1. Delete the existing address in the “Computer” field.
    2. Copy the updated email address provided to you by DTS support and paste it into the “Computer” field.
    3. Click “Save” button on bottom of window and click “X” button on upper right hand corner of window.
  3. Test: Test connection using standard connection procedure to ensure it functions correctly. Contact DTS Support if you encounter any difficulty. 


  1. Access Connection Properties: Open “Microsoft Remote Desktop” app, click to select “Office Remote” or similarly named connection and select “Edit” option.
  2. Edit Connection Address & Save:
    1. Delete the existing address in the “PC Name” field.
    2. Copy the updated email address provided to you by DTS support and paste it into the “PC Name” field.
    3. Click close button to close connection properties window.
  3. Test: Test connection using standard connection procedure to ensure it functions correctly. Contact DTS Support if you encounter any difficulty. 
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