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Keyboard Shortcuts

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ConnectWise Custom Shortcut Keys

Windows Key Function Details
Ctrl + S Save Enables you to save the entity in content on creation/ edit screens. This ties directly to the Save button.
Alt + S Save & Close

This ties directly to the Save & Close button.

Ctrl + W Close current tab Allows you to close the current tab. If there is only one tab open, then the application will be closed.
F12 Open troubleshooting window Opens development tools in a new window.
Ctrl + F Search window popup The standard browser search window will be displayed, and allows you to use the browser functionality to search the page for text.
Alt + ← Back

This ties directly to the ConnectWise Back button. 

F1 Display Help Display the context sensitive help for the ConnectWise screen that you are on. 
Esc Cancel current task Allows you to close a dialog or flyout that contains a cancel action. This works if there is a cancel button or if there is an X on the dialog or flyout. 
Alt + N New record/ entity

This action is contextual based on current record/ entity page and will only create a new record/ entity for current/ record/ entity type in focus. 

ConnectWise Shortcut Keys Matrix

The following ConnectWise Shortcut Keys are available for use in ConnectWise screens that are in the new user interface. 
Tip: Click here for a one page, printable table of all keyboard shortcuts Indicates a neutral informative change or action.

Windows Key Function Details
F5 or Ctrl + R Refresh screen This will refresh any screen in ConnectWise
Ctrl + C Copy selected item Copy will be restricted to highlighted text.
Ctrl + X Cut selected item Cut will be restricted to highlighted text.
Ctrl + V Paste selected item Paste will be restricted to text.
Ctrl + Z Undo previous action

This action is contextual based on what action was performed. There are limited actions that can be undone such as cut, paste, field level text and type, etc. Does not apply to application level changes. Limited to only a single previous action. 

Ctrl – Y Redo previous action

This action is contextual based on what action was performed before. Only a limited scope on the actions can be undone (cut, paste, field level text and type, etc.). Does not apply to application level changes. 

Ctrl + → Move cursor to beginning of the next word within text Only applicable to text inputs.
Ctrl + ← Move cursor to the previous word within text Only applicable to text inputs.
Ctrl + Shift + → Select a block of text Only applicable to text inputs. 
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Alt + F4 Close active browser window  
Tab Progress through form options  
Shift +Tab Regress through form options  
Spacebar Toggle checkbox selection  
Home Scrolls to the top of page

If the cursor is in an input field, it will go to the beginning of the input field.If a field is not selected, the cursor will go to the top of the page.

End Scrolls to bottom of page

If the cursor is in an input field, it will go to the end of the input field.If a field is not selected, the cursor will go to the bottom of the page. 

Page Up Scrolls to the top of the screen  
Page Down Scrolls to the bottom of the screen  

Ctrl + Tab and

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Switch Tabs Allows you to navigate through the tabs at the top.
Left arrow (←) Scrolls left If this action is selected on a list view, it will scroll left.
Right arrow (→) Scrolls right If this action is selected on a list view, it will scroll left.
Windows Control + A Select all This command lets you highlight all the text in a document or select all the files in a folder. Selecting Ctrl+A can save you time you’d otherwise spend clicking and dragging your mouse.
Windows Control + C Copy This command lets you copy text in a document or files in a folder.
Windows Control + V Paste This command lets you paste text in a document or files to a folder.
Windows Windows Key+ D Show or hide the desktop This keyboard combo minimizes all open windows, bringing your home screen into view.

Ctrl + Shift + V

Pasts as plain text  
Windows Windows Key + left arrow or Windows Key + right arrow Snap windows Snapping a window simply opens it on one side of the screen (left or right, depending on which arrow you select). This allows you to compare two windows side-by-side and keep your desktop organized.
Windows Control + P Print Brings up the printing dialog screen in most applications and browsers.
Windows Windows Key+ L Lock your computer Win+L locks your screen for HIPAA compliance but keeps all of your applications open.
Windows Windows Key + Shift + S Screenshot In Windows 10, this will open the “snipping bar” and make your screen go dark
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