Staff Member System Setup

Staff Member System Setup

Please complete the secure form below if you are a new or existing staff member and need access to office electronic data and systems. We will notify you once your account(s) have been configured and are ready to use.

Form Instructions:

  1. Enter Company Name: Enter the name of your company or practice.
  2. Enter your Name: Enter your First and Last Name.
  3. Choose and Enter a Password: Enter a password that meets the requirements listed at the bottom of the page. Your password should be hard for others to guess but easy for you to remember. Please memorize the password you choose as you will need it later to log in to the services we will be enrolling you in.
  4. Add a Photo: A head-shot photo (optional but recommended) will be used to customize your accounts and will enhance the overall functionality of your system. If you don't have a head-shot on your computer, you can email yourself one, save it to your desktop, and click the "Browse" button to attach it.
  5. Click "Submit": Click the submit button to submit your form.


Staff Member Setup Form

First Name
Last Name
cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character

Password Requirements

Your password, depending on your office configuration, will allow you to access your computer, email, and/or your practice management software.


  • Must be least at least 12 characters long.
  • Must contain upper and lower case letters.
  • Must contain at least one number. 
  • Must contain at least one of the following non-alphanumeric characters: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/
  • Cannot contain your first or last name.
  • Cannot contain the word "Password".
  • Cannon contain more than 3 characters repeating in secession. 
You will be informed of your new username and/or email address before you use your new services and log into the system for the first time.

Head Shot Photo

Maximum file size: 209.72MB

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