Co-Managed IT Services

Augment your in-house team for better productivity and security

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Obligation-free: 800-777-8089

Our IT team lacks the specialized skills and tools to meet our needs.
We can’t increase our headcount right now, but we need more IT people.
We’re overloaded with tech issues and staff burnout is a real risk.
We’re struggling with a big IT project and need help.

What are co-managed IT services?

These services are for internal IT teams that have gaps in their capacity or expertise. They cover functions like help desks and network management, freeing internal teams to focus on more complex projects. Or, if a project or problem becomes too much for an internal team to handle, the co-managed provider can take over with their deeper expertise and resources. Either way, co-managed IT support is an extremely time- and cost-efficient way for an organization to augment its in-house IT resources. 

Who’s a good fit for DTS co-managed IT services?

SMBs often have limited internal IT resources and can benefit from partnering with an external provider to access specialized expertise, 24/7 support, and strategic guidance without the cost of a full in-house IT team.

Rapid growth may lead to an urgent need to scale infrastructure, manage increased workloads, and implement new technologies. Co-managed IT services provide these resources and expertise during expansion phases.

Operating in regulated industries, such as healthcare, finance, or legal, means facing robust IT security standards. Co-managed IT offers specialized support to ensure adherence to multiple industry-specific regulations.

Businesses that require continuous monitoring, proactive maintenance, and help desk resources can benefit from the comprehensive coverage provided by co-managed IT support, ensuring minimal downtime and rapid issue resolution.

Digital transformation initiatives, including cloud migration, automation, or modernization of IT infrastructure, can leverage co-managed IT services to overcome complex technological challenges and ensure a smooth transition.

Organizations across various industries and stages of growth can benefit from co-managed IT, whether it’s to bolster their capabilities, address specific challenges, or enhance overall operational efficiency.

How SMBs and nonprofits can gain productivity and peace of mind from our co-managed IT services

Remote or on-site support

Get seven-day-a-week help desk support, ensuring timely answers to questions and resolution of issues.

24/7/365 system monitoring

Around-the-clock monitoring and management of your network, including routers, firewalls, and switches, will catch issues and prevent problems.

SaaS services

Seamless integration, configuration, and user training for Software-as-a-Service applications within your IT environment will ensure compatibility and optimal performance.


Assistance with deploying multilayered and around-the-clock defenses will effectively thwart cyberattacks, relieving the burden on your in-house IT team.

Business continuity and disaster recovery

Get help with selecting, deploying, and managing a tailored backup and recovery solution that safeguards your data and satisfies your regulators.

Software patches and upgrades

We manage the consistent application of software patches and upgrades across your network to ensure your organization’s security.

Employee training

DTS offers upskilling sessions on software, systems, and cybersecurity protocols to ensure your team is well versed in essential practices for organizational success.

Strategic planning

Leverage our deep expertise in productivity and security to create a strategic IT plan aligned with your business objectives.

Why Choose DTS?

An expert third party will be handling the tasks your internal team doesn’t have the skills or time for, freeing you from the need to hire and train additional employees. 

We’ve been doing this since 2008 and completed ​​100,000+ remote sessions and thousands of on-site visits. And our customer satisfaction scores are steady at 98%+.  

You can leverage our expertise to fill any talent gaps you need but can’t afford. Our co-managed IT service plans are scalable and deliver everything your in-house IT team needs to make technology work for you. 

Take the next step to learn more about how DTS co-managed IT support can help your business.

What the results look like

IT experts with nationwide reach

Since 2008, DTS has been providing fully managed and co-managed IT support for small and medium-sized businesses across the lower 48 states from our base in the Bay Area.

From regulatory compliance, network design, hardware integration, and systems management, DTS does it all.

Wherever you are, contact us today to join our growing list of satisfied clients.

Finding co-managed IT services just became easier:

1. Contact

Book a free discovery call to share your situation and clarify your options.

2. Assessment

Receive your personalized assessment and action plan.

3. Solution

Watch our experts work with your IT team to optimize your business processes.

Leverage the best in the business

Frequently asked

Co-managed IT refers to a collaborative approach to IT management, where an organization partners with an external IT services provider to augment its in-house IT capabilities. The internal IT team and the external IT provider work together to deliver comprehensive IT support to the internal users, or they collaborate on a single, large project until it is completed. A co-managed IT services contract typically involves a shared responsibility for managing and maintaining the organization’s IT infrastructure, systems, and applications.

By leveraging the expertise and resources of a co-managed IT provider, organizations can quickly deploy, manage, and optimize technologies without the need to expand their headcount.

We are headquartered in California’s Bay Area and provide IT services there as well as all US cities with a population of 75,000 or larger. 

We review and assess all support requests within 60 seconds.

Simply send in a support request to [email protected] or call us at 707-536-9173. We provide comprehensive support both on site and remotely.

We assist our clients in meeting multiple regulatory compliance requirements, including HIPAA, PCI, SOX, and others. 

Yes, we guarantee you’ll love our services. If you believe we haven’t delivered on what we promise in our contract, you have the option to cancel and receive a refund for your last month of service.

DTS was founded in the Bay Area in 2008 by John Newcomb to serve the IT needs of the healthcare industry. Since then, we’ve grown our team and expanded our abilities to secure, protect, and maintain a variety of businesses throughout the US. We now support healthcare, nonprofits, manufacturing, the public sector, and a wide range of professional services like finance and law firms. Learn more here

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